
3 months old

3 months old!

Our sweet little bug is 3 months old! She's a dream this one! Perfect in every way!Sleeps 8-10 hours each night, is all smiles in the mornings and can captivate an audience (her sisters) with her coo's and giggles!

She's still sportin' all her chicken hair and is growing lean and tall. She's throwing us all for a loop! We're used to rolly pollie babes! We adore her skinny froggy legs and clevage-less chest! She's defiantly one of a kind!!!

Check out the comparison of all three girls at three months old!!! Trust me... if they made training bra's for babies I would have had to buy them! But not this go around!


Blue's on top, Crickets with the Bear.


Andrea said...

Awww, she's so cute. She is pretty lean, especially compared to the other two! Cutie :)

the bates motel said...

such a cutie. i can't believe she's already 3 mo old. oh how fast the time goes.....

tara said...

oh man! that picture of blue is TOOO awesome. now i have no doubt that you are NOT exaggerating about your roly poly babies!

Steph @ somewhatsimple said...

k, i see it now- she is the perfect mix of molly and macy! totally looks like both!

Morph This said...

none of them look alike.. ahhh they are all so sweet. but don't tell mace that she has a special place in my heart for being the first niece or nephew of mine. but blue also does because she is so sweet and cuddly.. and charbaby.. well bring her here so i can have a special place too.

Amber H. said...

That is too funny and way too cute! She is adorable, and sounds like an amazing baby. You are lucky!

AnieCooper said...

So cute...and how is it that all 3 of your beautiful girls look so different from each other ;) So stinking adorable :)

L said...

From chicken legs to thunder thighs, all of your girls are fabulously lovely. Now you have the triple threat.
lisa h