This has been a wonderful weekend! Wonderful I tell ya!
Care if I share?
Saturday night we headed to a Jazz game! The 5 of us and uncle Chris and Aunt Megan out to enjoy a game in the Wells Fargo box! We arrived early and braved the bitter cold at The Gateway.
Here's reason #1 why I love my family!
Baby Char Char seriously became my childhood Popple toy!
Notice any resemblance?

Chuck was so stinkin adorable all wrapped up and ball like! She loved being toted around snug as a bug!
#2 reason why I loved my fam so much this weekend:
Here I am trying to get in on the nerd action!
They totally still love me even after I pimped my kids and made them talk to the Prophet!!!!! President Monson and his wife and friends were in the box next to us! I got a little star struck once again but this time I totally used the kids as a front and talked to him! Of course it was a big deal for them too but I was a little more into then they were! I made them wave throughout the game! Sad I know! Totally crossed the line but it's a moment they won't soon forget! Pretty awesome to see the Prophet in person and have him talk to you!
And by the way folks! Pres. Monson and crew were all drinking Diet Coke! If ever a question still lingered in your mind , put it to rest people!
Love the pics. How fun!
So fun! Did you get your coat at Forever21?? I have the same one! And I'll go drink my diet coke now...I knew it was ok! :)
Your family is so cute!
I loved Popples! I totally bought Audrey one for her B-day the year they came back! Woohoo to the Diet Coke thing! I drink caffeine in moderation and think that's just fine!
Oh! You still use that blankie! I am so glad I could be part of the Popple night!
I've never heard of a popples in my life!
You guys crack me up!!! You look pretty hot ss a nerd :] Your family is darling and as ever!!!
NOW i can have my diet Pepsi!!!!
Im so jealous you got to meet the Prophet! How awesome is that...definatley something you'll never forget...ever. I soooo remember popples....loved those things. And cute cricket in those glasses...she's adorable.
that little Charlie makes my heart melt!
...and thanks for pointing out the Prophet's imperfection! Whew! What would we do if he were perfect and translated?! We need a prophet on the earth, so I am glad the devil's nectar has a hold of him. lol
Hi I'm Stephanie Toland (married to Chris/your hubby's cousin, Eric Toland…wooo mouth full) I came across your blog through Tava/Chris's cousin. And wanted to tell you how adorable you and your sweet family are. Also love your talent. Love the blog; Cha-ching I am now a follower...hello Google Reader! Yay for long distance family by marriage!
ahhh ok I am an idiot sorry your husband not Chris...too many Dulgarians! :)
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