
DAY 5: It's all about me!

Being a little selfish

Now today would not have been possible without Grandma Diane! My mother in law took my two oldest girls to the zoo today leaving me with 5 hours by myself! Baby sister of course was here but I couldn't believe how quiet the house was! To be completely honest I was a little lonely at first! But as I sat there feeding Charlie I tried to come up with my perfect day!

And that's exactly what I did! I CREATED my perfect day!

We all know the need for sleep is high on my list so I took full advantage and stayed in my pj's, lounged around and snuggled up on my little babe! I got caught up on blogs and browsed ksl! I ate lunch in bed and loved every minute of it! The only disappointment was when I REALLY needed a treat and no treats were found! Oh well!!!

I highly recommend you all create a day you'll love! It's just what the doctor ordered!!!

1 comment:

Steph @ somewhatsimple said...

Sweet! Gotta love grandma in town!