

Why is it that every, I mean EVERY, time I sweep the kitchen floor Something cosmic goes out into the Universe that makes a spill happen moments after I put the broom or mop away! EVERY Time!!!!!


Bruce said...

I thought I was the only one! Way to funny. It seems even worse when I actually get around to mopping. I'm here for ya! :)

Brittany said...

Just mopped this morning and walk in from putting the mop away to find chocolate cake and icing on the floor!

Your blog is darling - just like your family! It's fun seeing you again and catching up on it all!

Jill said...

Because **** happens!

the Koch's said...

I feel your pain. I mopped on Saturday and that very night I dropped an entire cup of milk on the floor. LAME!

Kristin and Kurt Bryant said...

That's why I have all but given up on the institution of mopping. I don't think the universe wants its floors to be clean! And who am I to argue with the universe?

Megan said...

I seriously thought about blogging this just a few days ago! I was going to take a picture of all the crap that I sweep up after only 1 day! I can't believe how gross floors get so quickly, and I only have one kid! I am going to have to be sweeping and mopping 10 times a day by the time I am done having kids!