
You be the judge!

I have always thought my kids were a funny bunch!Not really looking like each other or like Mike and I! We all can't wait to see who #3 will "look" like!

When Cricket was born she looked liked my sister but quickly grew out of that and to me looks like no one. Blue is chubby like Mike was, blue eyed like me but that's where it ends!

Here's Mike and my baby pics....Jury's still out!


Steph @ somewhatsimple said...

they look like the mailman...

and you actually had some chub as a baby too- who wouldve ever guessed becca would have a double chin- you are all skin and bones now!

Andrea said...

Ha, awesome pics. My boys are the same, don't really look alike, but they both resemble me more than anything. lol. Yeah, you take the Ely exit and then it's just under an hour from there...You totally should have detoured! lol.

Diana said...

duh, Macy is mine remember :) I think Molly looks more like Mike's last baby pic. Too funny!

Morph This said...

Rebecca I just have to comment on how sweet Deano looked in the early 80's.. I wish I knew him then. It has to be the UPS man. The girls don't look like you or Mike..

tara said...

i am totally shocked that either you or mike could have one oz. of chub!!! even as babies.

nice pics of mike. oh boy:)

your cute kids are puzzling. are you sure they are yours?

Bryn said...

Those are a crack up!! Awesome! I can see Blue in that last pic of Mike. Who knows what this one will be??

Laura said...

I think Blue looks like you and Macy looks like the Mike! I agree though- I dont think they look that much alike:) Genes are a funny thing.